
Hi Derek, thank you and yes, I believe in all that.

As for the dude on the hood and his pals... It all happened so fast... No sympathy from me for them! I think that would have happened whether I was there or not. Once I was over the fence, I never thought about it. I just wanted to make it home before 9. Life!!! just live it, man. Before you know it, it will all be over.

I decided when I got on substack instead of complaining about how bad things are in 2024, I'd write about how different (wonderful) things were when I was growing up. Just to go back for a few minutes and remember.

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Could not agree more, JJ.

I appreciate the little details you add, like Bologna, lol. Yes, there was a time when healthy kids were raised on little more than processed food, wearing seatbelts was more or less discouraged, and drunk driving was considered a legitimate mode of transportation, even by the authorities. Somehow most of us turned out just fine.

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Sep 21Liked by Alyosha

Felt like I was dreaming your story. Epic

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Sep 20Liked by Alyosha

You always bring the best stories.

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Wild stuff. Life has changed a lot since those days.

The first night I had my driver's license my parents let me drive my friends to the next town 5 miles away for a dance. We never made it to said dance. 😅. We did make it to a kegger on a gravel road and a few other places...85 miles on the speedometer which my older brother had unknowingly checked before we left. Fortunately he kept that to himself. 😅

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Odometer...not speedometer.

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Sep 21Liked by Alyosha

Great story as ever JJ. - Love them all, so keep them coming sir, please! 😊

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What a f*cking story. I loved it. I wrote a post recently about how those of us who took risks as a kid likely grow up to take risks as an adult. So those stupid risks we did as a kid really end up paying off in the long run. I don't see the kids of today taking similar risks many of us did as kids.

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I think life was much safer for me than it was for kids ow. I was fearless about almost everything because there was very danger in my world. be home before dark was every mother's rule. So I got in a lot of crazy situations but no more or less than all my friends. These days parents keep a very short leash so kids absorb the danger vibe from from a very young age. too bad. thanks for reading. Love the comment!

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That’s a great point!

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Sep 21Liked by Alyosha

Fabulous story !

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Hey Patrick, Good stuff, sir. What state?

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Ty for the compliment sir!

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Thanks Eric. Small world! I went to Poly on California Blvd across the street from Cal Tech for 8 years, good pvt school, then San Marino high for 1. We moved to Laguna in sept 65 to wit, the surfing themes in Mile Zero and Wipe out. Where'd you go to school, sir?

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Thank you Mike, you know I will!

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Hi Gary. Love hearing that. I worked for the Standard Bank for a few years, traveled in SA and Africa and always wanted check it out but I heard it doesn't break the same any more. Something about the sea floor shifting. My daughter's been to Australia twice. Someday... I'll go and look you up! Get a couple beers and swap stories.

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A perfect 👋🏽

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Wow. What a great story!

I live in Pasadena now and can picture where these events might’ve happened. Though probably a very different place back then. We just looked at Poly for my daughter. Before Pasadena, we lived in Laguna. Small world.

Looking forward to the next one!

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Great story, JJ.

In moments like these I'm torn between believing in a "guiding hand" - perhaps God or a caring ancestor - pulling us back from the brink just in time, in order to wake us up, and our own subconscious working its guiding, self-awareness-catalyzing magic from beneath our awareness at the speed of light. Whatever it is, certain lives seem to be more ...um..."blessed"... with close calls than others. Maybe not the guy's on the hood though...


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All your stories are wonderful. This one hit home even harder than usual because I grew up in Pasadena.

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